jquery browser version

Any problem with jQuery in the above browsers should be reported as a bug in jQuery. (Current - 1) and Current denotes that we support the current stable version of the browser and the version that preceded it. For example, if the current version of a bro

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  • Today we have brought together every method we know of how to check the version of Interne...
    5+ ways to check IE version using JavaScript/jQuery — SitePoint
  • Any problem with jQuery in the above browsers should be reported as a bug in jQuery. (Curr...
    Browser Support | jQuery
  • README.md A jQuery plugin for browser detection. jQuery v1.9.1 dropped support for browser...
    GitHub - gabceb/jquery-browser-plugin: A jQuery plugin for browser detection
  • Contribute to jquery-browser-plugin development by creating an account on GitHub. ... Retu...
    GitHub - gabcebjquery-browser-plugin: A jQuery plugin for browser ...
  • But, if you still need to detect browser and browser version (using javascript), I suggest...
    How to Detect Browser (and browser version) using JavaScript
  • 2012年3月9日 - $.browser is an official plugin which was included in older versions of jQuer...
    Is jQuery $.browser Deprecated? - Stack Overflow
  • 2013年10月14日 - However, if you necessarily want to use $.browser property, you can do it u...
    javascript - How can I detect browser type using jQuery? - Stack ...
  • 2011年5月6日 - EDIT: As Joshua wrote in his comment below, jQuery.browser property is no lon...
    javascript - How can you detect the version of a browser? - Stack ...
  • How do I detect IE 8 with jQuery? Ask Question up vote 102 down vote favorite 29 I need to...
    javascript - How do I detect IE 8 with jQuery? - Stack Overflow
  • Find Browser type & version? Ask Question up vote 7 down vote favorite 5 Anyone knows ...
    jquery - Find Browser type & version? - Stack Overflow
  • Hi Michael, Yes, this reintroduce the $.browser object solving all the errors you get in j...
    jQuery 1.9 is out… and $.browser has been removed – a fast workaround | Pupunzi
  • 2013年1月16日 - jQuery 从1.9 版开始,移除了$.browser 和$.browser.version , 取而代之的是$.support 。 在更新的2.0 ...
    jQuery 1.9 移除了$.browser 的替代方法– Fwolf's Blog
  • Use jQuery to check your browser version in just a few lines of code you can optimise code...
    jQuery Check Browser Version — SitePoint
  • 2010年10月6日 - update: 簡易版的偵測iphone/ipod time: 23:32 jQuery 真是一個相當方便的javascript framework, ...
    jQuery 偵測瀏覽器版本, 作業系統(OS detection) | 小惡魔- 電腦技術 ...
  • A jQuery plugin for browser detection. ... Returns true if the current useragent is some v...
    jquery.browser - npm
  • The $.browser property provides information about the web browser that is accessing the pa...
    jQuery.browser | jQuery API Documentation
  • 分享各種 jQuery 外掛的使用及 jQuery 跑馬燈、廣告輪播及選單等實用的 jQ 範例。另外分享 Android 程式技巧及 OpenCart 購物車修改技巧分享。
    [jQ]jQuery.browser.version 在 IE 中版本判斷的 Bug | 男丁格爾's 脫殼玩
  • [jQ]jQuery.browser.version 在IE 中版本判斷的Bug. [ 日期: 2009-09-11 | 瀏覽:21,947 | 迴響:2 ]. 這幾天在幫小神童弄...
    [jQ]jQuery.browser.version 在IE 中版本判斷的Bug | 男丁格爾's 脫殼玩